Get CO₂e statistics for a given carrier on a given port pair.

This endpoint returns CO₂ equivalent (CO₂e) emissions statistics of a given carrier and port pair.

We calculate the itineraries operated by the carrier based on their services (and their alliance's) and for each itinerary, we calculate the CO₂e emissions of each vessel operating the service and return statistics. The response provides CO₂e emissions data at two levels:

  • at the carrier level,
  • at each itinerary level.


CO₂ emissions overview

The CO₂e emissions are returned in grams.

FieldGiven at carrier levelGiven at itinerary level
co2e.minGreenest itinerary average emissionsGreenest vessel emissions of a specific itinerary
co2e.maxMost emitting itinerary emissionsMost emitting vessel emissions of a specific itinerary
co2e.averageAverage CO₂e emissions for all itinerariesAverage CO₂e emissions of all vessels of a specific itinerary
co2e.standardDeviationStandard deviation of CO₂e emissions across itinerariesStandard deviation of CO₂e emissions across vessels operating a specific itinerary

Other fields

  • CO₂ breakdown (WTT, TTW, and intensity) is provided for each CO₂e emissions value in the response.
  • Distance is only given at the itinerary level. The distance takes into account the ports of call based on the services proformas.
  • A hash (itineraries.hash) is assigned to each itinerary, acting as a unique identifier for that specific route and shipment characteristics.
    • The corresponding itinerary can be retrieved via the GET /itinerary/v2/proformas/{hash} endpoint.
    • This endpoint provides additional itinerary details, including ports of call and route geometry.

Notes & Considerations

  • For the calculation of the emissions:
    • if no container info is provided but the weight is, we assume the container number based on the weight.
    • if none of the above is provided, we assume 1 TEU.
  • For the calculation of the intensity:
    • if no weight is provided but the container info is, we assume the weight based on the container info.
    • if none of the above is provided, we assume 10000 kg.
  • CO₂ calculations are based on itineraries built from carrier services and their planned route.
  • In case of an itinerary with transhipments, the minimum CO₂ emissions value is the sum of the minimum values of each leg of the itinerary.
  • Hashes are not intended to be persisted or used as permanent references.

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