Get the timeseries of a vessel

This endpoint returns the historical timeseries of a vessel between two dates in the past. We return the successive positions of the vessel, retrieved from both dynamic and static AIS messages.

Vessel information

The vessel can be specified either by passing its imo number or its mmsi. In the case both are given, the mmsi will be taken into account.


This endpoint takes two dates as argument to specifying the window of the timeseries. Both dates are required and can be passed using the ISO 8601 format (departureDateTime and arrivalDateTime) or the unix time in milliseconds (departure and arrival).


The response is a Geojson FeatureCollection, where each position is represented as a Feature. Each feature gathers the properties of the position: speed over ground (kmh), draft (meters), heading (degrees), etc.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!