Get proformas and their CO₂e emissions for a carrier on a port pair.

This endpoint retrieves itineraries for a given carrier on a given port pair.
It provides estimated transit times, distance and route details, along with CO₂e data.


The response is a GeoJSON FeatureCollection, where:

  • Each Feature represents an itinerary.
  • Properties contain key details such as transit time, CO₂ emissions, and ports of call.
  • Geometry provides the route geometry as a LineString in GeoJSON format.
duration.daysEstimated transit time in days, including transhipments and waiting time in ports.
duration.msEstimated transit time in milliseconds.
departure.dayNumberRepresents the starting reference day of the journey.
arrival.dayNumberRepresents the arrival day relative to the departure day.
from.locodeDeparture port UN/LOCODE.
from.nameDeparture port name.
to.locodeArrival port UN/LOCODE.
to.nameArrival port name.
distanceTotal itinerary distance (in meters).
modeTransport mode ("SEA").
serviceIdService ID associated with the leg. Retrievable with /search/v2/service/{id}
callsList of intermediate port calls.
co2eEstimated CO₂ emissions for the itinerary.
geometryGeoJSON LineString representing the leg’s route geometry.

Notes & Considerations

  • GeoJSON compliance: by default, the response includes a properties field at the FeatureCollection level. If full GeoJSON compliance is required, you should omit properties field.
  • Sorting behavior:
    • TRANSIT_TIME: Returns fastest itineraries first.
    • CO2: Returns itineraries with the lowest estimated CO₂ emissions first.
  • Each itinerary has a unique hash, which can be used to retrieve additional CO₂ details from /co2/v2/proformas/{hash}.
  • Proforma API itineraries vs. Execution API itineraries:
    • /itinerary/v2/proformas provides planned itineraries for strategic procurement and short to long-term support to decision-making.
    • /itinerary/v2/execution data (from /itinerary/v2/execution) reflects upcoming departures, including sailing dates and assigned vessels, for optimizing immediate shipments' operations.
  • Hashes are not intended to be persisted or used as permanent references.

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