Get CO₂ details for an itinerary from proformas by hash

This endpoint retrieves CO₂ emissions details for a specific itinerary, identified by a hash.
Itinerary hashes are generated and returned in the /itinerary/v2/proformas response.


The CO₂e emissions are returned in grams.

co2eEstimated CO₂ emissions data.Statistics (min, max, average, standardDeviation)
co2e.wttWell-to-Tank (WTT) emissions data.Statistics (min, max, average, standardDeviation)
co2e.ttwTank-to-Wheels (TTW) emissions data.Statistics (min, max, average, standardDeviation)
co2e.intensityCO₂ intensity values (emissions per unit of cargo).Statistics (min, max, average, standardDeviation)
distanceTotal itinerary distance.Numeric (meters)

Notes & Considerations

  • Hashes are not intended to be persisted or used as permanent references.

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