JUMP TODeveloper DashboardAuthenticationGetting startedIntroductionErrorsReportco2Get CO2 for a given vesselgetGet CO2 for a given aircraftgetGet CO2 for inland watersgetGet CO2 for railgetGet CO2 for roadgetvesselGet vessels positionsgetGet trace of a given vesselgetweatherGet latest weather at locationgetGet historical weather at locationgetrun (Beta)Get CO2 for a complete run (Beta)postshipmentGet CO2 for given shipmentpostSearchgeocodingFind airport by name, locode or IATAgetFind routing area by namegetFind port by name or locodegetFind closest sea point at locationgetFind the geocoordinates of a zipcodegetFind the closest locationsgetFind all types of locationsgetvesselGet vessel information, by name.getsearchFind a carrier by idgetFind a carrier by name or SCACgetFind a service by idgetFind a service by namegetPlanco2Get CO2 statistics for a given carrier on a given port pair.getitineraryGet itinerary by hash.getrouteGet sea route between coordinates.getGet a detailed plan for sea route between coordinates.getvesselGet vessel ETA by IMO numbergetweatherGet Forecasted weather at locationgetGet weather along a routepostExecuteitinerary (Beta)Get next departures itinerary solutions for your shipmentsgetCO2 (Beta)Get CO2 details of an itinerary by hash.getPowered by Find a carrier by idget https://api.searoutes.com/search/v2/carrier/{id}This endpoint allows to get carrier information by id.