This endpoint returns CO2e emissions (i.e CO2e equivalent emissions) in grams (g) for a voyage from a given inland port to another using the inland waterways network.

Origin and destination

The origin and destination ports can be given either as locodes or as coordinates.
You must provide either fromLocode or fromCoordinates and either toLocode or toCoordinates.
You can use the parameter distance (in meters) to pass your own distance (the origin and destination remain mandatory because the co2 computation is region dependent).

Cargo specifications

Several parameters allow you to define the specification of the cargo carried : nContainers, containerSizeTypeCode, weight.
The following container types are supported by our API :
20GP, 22G1, 2200, 22G0, 2202, 2210 (20ft, General purpose (Standard)) [Default]
40GP, 42G1, 42G0, 40G1 (40ft, General purpose (Standard)),
40HC, 45G1, 45G0, 4500, 4510 (40ft High cube, General Purpose),
22R1, 2231 (20ft, Reefer),
40NOR, 42R1, 4531 (40ft, Reefer),
40REHC, 45R1, 45R8 (40ft High cube, Reefer),
53GP (53ft High cube).

Here are common use cases :


use the parameters nContainers and containerSizeTypeCode. We recommend to use the parameter containerSizeTypeCode to precise the size and type of the containers. We will estimate the weight of the cargi based on the container specifications providesd.


use the parameters weight in combination with an appropriate containerTypeSizeCode (In case of reefer, you can choose 22R1)


Use the parameters weight without container specifications.


If known, the type of inland vessel can be given. By default, a motor vessel is always used to compute CO2e (MOTOR_VESSEL).


The response contains WTT (well-to-tank) and TTW (tank-to-wheels) CO2e emissions in grams (g) for the amount of goods carried. It also contains the intensity factor (kg of CO2e per ton.kilometer) which is calculated from the WTW CO2e emissions, the distance and the weight (in properties).

The response contains a parameters field which contains all the parameters that were passed in the query and the default values if some parameters were not passed.

The response contains a properties field which contains the useful information that was used for the calculation, for example the distance of the route calculated. The property dataType precises if the data used to calculate the CO2 emissions is default data (representative of average operating practices) or modeled data (taking into account vehicle information).

Methodology references

The emissions are calculated using the GLEC framework.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!