These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v2.0.

This endpoint returns CO2e emissions (i.e CO2 equivalent emissions) for a direct flight between a source airport and a target airport.

You can either pass an aircraft IATA code to get the CO2 emissions of this specific aircraft or only the aircraft type. In case the IATA code is given, the emissions are calculated using EEA/EMEP methodology and EUROCONTROL data. They take into account take-off, landing, climbing, descent and cruising phases. In case the aircraft IATA is not given, we use the GLEC emission factors based on the length of the flight and the aircraft type.

The response contains total CO2e emissions and detailed emissions : CO2e WTT (well-to-tank) emissions and CO2e TTW (tank-to-wheels) in g for the amount of goods carried.

The weight of the transported goods can be given. If no weight is specified, the API returns the amount of CO2e for 1 metric ton of goods.

Information about the aircraft (name, manufacturer, model) is also contained in the response in the parameters field.

The response also contains the distance (in meters).

The method uses CO2e emission factors from fuel consumption and distance calculation in accordance with EN 16258.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!